The Independent Politician: Celebrities’ Moral Grandstanding Over Increasing Gas Prices Is Out-of-Touch And Disgustingly Defensive Of Biden Administration

Inflation was always an expected result the second that lockdowns occurred and shut down all  sectors of business as a response to the Coronavirus. More specifically, the production industry. For months, production was at a standstill and, when started back up, had to utilize a smaller workforce and work according to Covid recommendations which meant that production was not operating at full capacity. Prices rose as a fee for “stopping Covid.” Now with the meteoric rise in gas prices consumers are going to be hit hard. But with this increase, celebrities are spouting rhetoric that we should accept these higher prices which is so out-of-touch and disgusting that I question anyone’s mental fitness if they go along with this.

Prior to the election of President Joe Biden, there was already the expectation that gas prices would increase should he be elected. After all, Biden campaigned on the promise that, under his administration, America would transition away from the oil industry and move towards a net-zero greenhouse emissions goal for the US by 2050. So when Biden was declared president, the impact at the gas pumps was immediate. 

When Trump left office, the average gas price in America was $2.24 in 2020. But within Biden’s first year, America experienced the highest average nominal price since 2014 at $3.01 which began at $2.25 the day he took office. To be fair, the initial increase isn’t wholly to blame on the Biden administration, but the residual effects of the lockdowns as gas refineries were shut down for a period of time. Which meant lower gas production not meeting the demands as travel returned to pre-pandemic levels. 

However, the residual effects of the 2020 lockdowns aren’t the main factor for ever-increasing gas prices before Russia decided to invade Ukraine. One of Biden’s first salvos at the oil industry was passing an Executive Order on January 27, 2021 which halted the leasing of lands for new oil and gas. Biden also sought to adjust oil, coal, and gas royalties while withdrawing the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. While the Trump administration was seeking to make America independent when it came to natural resources, the Biden administration has sought to stop it all and, instead, preferred to get oil from other countries which also resulted in speculative pricing being another factor for the increase in gas fees.

Which is how we have found ourselves with skyrocketing prices. Pre-Russian Invasion, the average price for regular gas was $3.47 per gallon on February 10 and now the average is $4.17 which is the highest it has ever been in this country’s history. 

Unsurprisingly, even before the invasion of Ukraine, mainstream media and politicians were trying to spin the ever-increasing gas prices as a temporary thing, then a good thing for everyday Americans while hurting the rich or businesses, and going so far as to blame it on Ukraine two days before war even broke out. The ludicrousness of these claims were all for the single goal of protecting Democrats and the Biden administration from the backlash of disgruntled Americans who have been feeling the sting of inflation.

So it is no wonder that, as gas prices are set to soar at an unprecedented rate because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, celebrities are speaking out. Even though America only imports 2% of its oil from Russia which doesn’t justify the skyrocketing prices when the invasion began.

However, how celebrities are justifying or playing defense for the Biden administration is deceitful and disgusting as they try to further obfuscate the real causes behind inflation. The grossest, and most recent example of this, would be host of The Late Show Stephen Colbert who said, “Today, the average gas price in America hit an all-time record high of over $4 per gallon. Okay, that stings. But a clean conscience is worth a buck or two…I’m willing to pay $4 a gallon. Hell, I’ll pay $15 a gallon cause I drive a Tesla.”

No one is going to argue with Colbert’s point regarding the immorality of continuing to purchase oil, or anything else, from Russia. Since the start of the invasion, the Biden administration has made America complicit in Russia’s criminal invasion of Ukraine. The fact is, America has been funding Russia’s invasion.

The point of contention is Colbert’s grand declaration that he is willing to pay $15 a gallon which is out-of-touch with the rest of America. Of course, Colbert is rich. So an insane rise in gas prices wouldn’t have an effect on him. But for the average person living paycheck-to-paycheck? 

It would be devastating.

These price increases will be devastating for the average American long before Colbert’s price point is reached since 64% of the population lives paycheck-to-paycheck. But Colbert’s remark doesn’t address the issues that will arise from higher gas prices. With higher gas prices, this means transportation costs will rise. When transportation costs rise, so does the price of goods. Which goods? Anything that requires trucks to transport them to the stores such as food, essentials, condoms, etc.

Naturally, Colbert is not the only one proselytizing that people should willingly pay higher prices. Actor George Takei took to Twitter and stated, “Americans: We can endure higher prices for food and gas if it means putting the screws to Putin. Consider it a patriotic donation in the fight for freedom over tyranny.”

But not just celebrities have been running defense for the Biden administration. Pundits and news media outlets have as well. So while these people are grandstanding, you are worrying about how you are going to pay for the gas you need to get to work. How much food you will be able to afford when your utilities are paid. How much lower will the dollar, your buying power, will depreciate in value.

Why all this moral grandstanding theatrics, defense of gas price increases, and deflection away from Biden? Because they wholeheartedly support him and his campaign and are willing to destroy their careers and credibility to keep this administration in power.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to make a mess of everything. Trump’s only fault was allowing CDC and State restrictions to hamper production. Biden’s fault involve giving oil companies an excuse to drive up prices through speculative pricing, taking steps to halt or hinder oil production, and deciding that America must become more dependent on foreign oil rather than be independent. Now the Biden administration is panicking to drive the price of gas down. 

So stop listening to celebrities and start questioning the news when it is in lockstep with the government’s talking points. Do your research and draw your own conclusions and let me know if you think the Biden administration is at fault for the gas price hike.

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