Introducing The Independent Politician Column

As the years have gone by, a quote from Edmund Burke has started to pop into my head more and more, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” So earlier this year, I stated that I would start expressing my opinions on topics I normally wouldn’t bother to discuss. One such topic was politics. There are obvious reasons why I didn’t like to talk about politics, unless it affected the video game industry. One of the reasons is due to how toxic and divisive people can be. On almost every corner of the internet discussions would devolve into shouting matches and threats. More than ever, we need more places where people from different political spectrums can talk about politics rationally, calmly, and be civil and mature about it. That is what I hope will happen with The Independent Politician column.

Another reason why I am starting this column is because of the mainstream media (MSM). About 90 percent of the media is heavily biased to the left side of the political spectrum. While this has been the case for decades, it has become more transparent since 2016 once Trump was voted into the White House. There is no fair and honest reporting on what is going on in politics when it comes to the MSM. The only place to find such reporting is from independent journalists and small groups of content creators who rely on YouTube and other services to get their work out there. While they may not be impartial when reporting the news, they are upfront about their biases and will strive to report the facts first before putting their political spin on their conclusions. 

Yet right now, the MSM and big tech are trying to stifle these small organizations and independent creators. So this column is in response to the MSM Click Jocks and its desire to push an agenda by sacrificing truth, integrity, and facts. 

Through The Independent Politician column I want to offer a venue for civil discourse and the current political climate. I want to be able to speak my mind and have other people speak their minds without the fear of threats or childish diatribes. A civil discourse is sorely lacking today as we watch the MSM and various politicians screeching and caterwauling to a population where the majority have grown tired and disgusted with all of it. 

Obviously, I am not an expert when it comes to politics. Not by a longshot. I am just a regular guy trying to make sense of things and have a firm grasp on what I believe in. I am also an Independent who hates the bi-partisan political system that the United States’ has become. I believe that there needs to be at least a third party to offset the Democratic and Republican establishments. But until that day comes, all I can do is vote for a better, stronger America. 

Because, in the end, I want to Move America Forward. 

Will you join me?

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