The Independent Politician – Poem: Bitch Boy Biden

This is a rough draft of an idea that popped into my head. I’ve always thought of Joe Biden as one of the biggest jokes in recent political history. Which is saying a lot considering the amount of morons in the political scene today. 

Recently, I started referring to him as “Bitch Boy Biden” and it has been stuck in my mind. After watching the laughable DNC 2020 last week, it wouldn’t get out of my head. So I decided to just write something off the cuff to see where it would lead.

Now, I am not a poet. Not by a longshot. But I do like to dip my toes into the realm of lyrical rhythm every now and then (check out “The Cry of a Child”). I’m just not that good at it. So this is a rough draft of what popped into my head when I decided to write this poem. There is no punctuation, the structure of the poem is inconsistent, and there are other technical problems with what I wrote. But I think there is something decent here. Of course, such a poem will incense people who support Biden. But I hope that it causes such people to think about who Biden is, what he has done, and truly question whether or not he is fit to hold any kind of political office ever again.


Poem: Bitch Boy Biden

Hello Bitch Boy Biden

Where are you hiding

In your basement flinching

As your constituents are burning

Businesses and dwellings

Of people who want to earn a living


Bitch Boy Biden

In a basement hiding

Sad he isn’t living

To sniff at little children


A leader who doesn’t lead

As Americans hurt and bleed

But now you’re gonna see

That people tired of your greed

With pockets filled with Renminbi

While you’ll shut down our economy


Bitch Boy Biden

In a basement hiding

Sad he isn’t living

To sniff at every woman


As Schumer, Harris, Pelosi

Pull on your strings daily

Because you are a weakling

Who has no moral standing

Racist against Black Americans

“You ain’t black” unless you vote Biden


Bitch Boy Biden

In a basement hiding

Sad he isn’t living

To sniff at children and women


With Obama you waged war

Paid off terrorists and more

While Americans cried “No More”

Didn’t care about our soldiers

Administration wanted more

Vote Biden for more war!


Bitch Boy Biden

In a basement hiding

A joke to men and women

Who know that you are lying


Your administration built the cages

Imprisoned children of all ages

Of illegal immigrants who wanted the wages

That should have gone to our natives

Hurting white, black, minority collectives

Competing for ever-lower wages


Bitch Boy Biden

In a basement hiding

A joke to men and women

Who know you hate Black Americans


A bridesmaid, never a bride

Biden stay in your basement and hide

Not a leader to do or die

But to mercilessly mock and deride

As Americans today die

From leftists that you ratify

With your silence and lack of condemnation

Of people who will destroy this nation

Defund the police they all are claiming

Destroy the nuke fam they are aiming

Destroying our system of education

While Biden hiding in his basement


Bitch Boy Biden

In a basement hiding

A joke to men and women

Your mind is what you’re losing


A question I ask of you

Of what you are going to do

When these leftists come for you

Will you go to the voting booth

Or be a Biden quaking in your shoes

The choice is always up to you

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