Knighttime Politics: Will Democrats Take CNN to Task, Address #FreeHongKong at Tonight’s Democratic Debate?

October seems to be the month centered around the fight for freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of truth, and the freedom from tyranny, whether in the form of government or a biased and corrupt media. For those unaware, I am talking about gamers boycotting Blizzard over its censoring of a player calling for the liberation of Hong Kong, the NBA organization censoring people who support the Hong Kong protests, and the recent exposure of CNN via a whistleblower and Project Veritas. But the cherry on top could be the Democratic debate happening tonight on CNN. 

With the realization that CNN is hosting tonight’s debate, I have to wonder whether or not any of the Democratic presidential candidates will take CNN to task over the recent exposure of the “news” networks biased and manipulative reporting. Especially its conduct since the election of President Donald Trump? 

Yet, in light of the recent behind-the-scenes revelations about CNN, will any of the Democratic presidential candidates take CNN to task? Will they, during the network’s own debate, have the moral fortitude and willingness to call out its biasness? Especially some of the lesser-known candidates such as Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, and Andrew Yang since CNN has, according to a recording by the CNN whistleblower, not given these candidates fair coverage? And even having decided who the network thinks should win.

For the candidates willing to take on CNN on the network’s home turf, it could give that candidate, or candidates, a huge boost in approval with the democratic constituency, moderates, liberals, and even conservatives. 

But what about the recent NBA controversy or the #BoycottBlizzard debacle in which both the organization and game developer showed support for China by censoring any speech involving the freedom/liberation of Hong Kong? The backlash has been loud from gamers and NBA fans. Yet where have the presidential candidates been in regards to this topic? On Twitter, there has been nothing but silence from Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Tulsi Gabbard, and Andrew Yang.

(I’m just going off from what I’ve seen on their Twitter accounts. Which has been nothing on any of those issues. Twitter links appreciated if I’m wrong.) 

Will any of the candidates speak out in favor of the Hong Kong protests? Speak out against the censorship of American citizens who dare to say #FreeHongKong? Dare to question CNN? Because I don’t see CNN asking any of these questions. I do expect candidates to attack Joe Biden over his son Hunter. But there is enough of that going around already leading into the debates tonight. 

Now, it doesn’t matter whether you like the current president or not. But, in my opinion, news organizations should be held to a standard. A standard that not one major news outlet has been able to reach. Even news stories, in which the facts should be reported in an unbiased manner, is slanted and violated with opinions that it can’t even be called news. And when it comes to the current president, the bias and vitriol from the news media has been so galling that it is hard not to choke from the fumes as each outlet tries to outdo its lambasting of the president. Whether there is truth to a story or not (I can’t remember the last time I saw so many retractions of stories from so many news outlets in just the past couple of years).

So what if none of these candidates call out CNN or talk about the Hong Kong protests and condemn China? Will they even say anything if CNN actually tries, behind the scenes, to dictate how things will go and what they can only talk about? If you think they won’t do any of that, then ask yourself, do they really deserve to become president of the United States?

But whatever your position is, all I can say is that tonight’s debate could be really interesting (up until now, they have been boring and downright cringey). 

What do you think will happen during tonight’s debate? Do you hope that the candidates will get to talk about these recent events?

Sound off in the comments below!


Author’s Note: As I stated in my introductory post, politics is one of three things that I never bothered to talk about when I started blogging all those years ago. Yet here I am, dipping my toes into the political cesspool. Why? Because I’m tired of keeping my mouth shut on the political issues that keep cropping up in my Twitter feed. I may not know a lot about politics, but the same goes for most of the people I follow! Tet it doesn’t stop them from talking.

Meanwhile, I’m going to get some chicken wings for tonight’s debate!

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