Harry Potter and the Courtship of Ginny Weasley Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Harry, Ron, and Hermione exited the Headmaster’s office as sounds of celebration followed them out. As he closed the door, Harry slipped the vial containing Snape’s memories into his front pocket; making him more uncomfortable considering that he also had three wands and his invisibility cloak in various pockets.

He proceeded to make his way down the staircase as Ron and Hermione followed after with Ron having his arm around Hermione and Hermione’s head resting on Ron’s shoulder; a look of happiness and contentment on both their faces.

As they passed the broken gargoyle, Harry could only keep thinking how it would be great to go to sleep on his bed in the Gryffindor Tower while a slight grumble from his stomach also reminded him of how hungry he was.

Perhaps he should eat first then sleep, it was hard to make the decision because Harry felt so exhausted and drained. But then, after a few seconds of deliberation, he came to a decision.

“Kreacher,” Harry said, breaking the silence and startling Ron and Hermione from their embrace; which caused Harry to smile.


Immediately Kreacher appeared. He was still wearing his rag, which had become dirty from the battle and several cuts and bruises were evident upon his visage, but he had a joyous look upon his face, “Master Harry did it! Master defeated the Dark Lord and Master Regulus can rest peacefully now. Kreacher was worried that you would not survive.”

With that said, Kreacher ran up to Harry, the locket swinging back and forth wildly from his neck, and hugged Harry’s legs, tears streaming down his old, wrinkled face.

“Thank you Kreacher,” Harry said as he gently patted the elf on the head, “Are you alright?”

Kreacher stepped away from Harry, regaining his composure and asked, “Yes Master, did

Master want something of Kreacher?”

“Yes, Kreacher, I did. Could you please prepare my room in Gryffindor Tower and possibly get me a sandwich?”

Ron’s face brightened up even more at the thought of food and, before Kreacher could respond, interrupted by saying, “Great idea mate, I could do with something to eat as well.”

“Ron,” Hermione sternly said, “Can’t you go without food for a little while?”

“A little while,” Ron replied, amazed at Hermione’s statement, “I haven’t eaten since we left Aberforth’s and I’m famished.”

“Well you need to stop thinking about just yourself. I’m sure Kreacher is tired as well as all the other house elves. After all, they also helped us in fighting Voldemort,” Ron tensed up at the mention of Voldemort’s name, “and his Death Eaters.”

Upon hearing this Kreacher immediately said, “It is no problem. Kreacher shall make some sandwiches for Master Ron.” Then Kreacher turned to Hermione, “Would you also like something m-mistress?”

Hermione, who heard what Kreacher had just said, ignored the stammer and gave Kreacher a radiant smile, “Oh no, thank you Kreacher. I don’t want to put you through the trouble,” Then in a haughty tone directed at Ron, “Unlike some people, I can go without food for a little while.” But at that precise moment, Hermione’s stomach betrayed her and let out an audible growl.

It was as if a lightning bolt had struck! Immediately Ron leapt away from Hermione, shocked beyond belief while exclaiming “Hermione!” as Hermione’s face turned beet red. Harry, who had heard Hermione’s stomach growl during the time it was just the two of them on the run, started laughing very hard at his friends’ reactions.

It felt so good to laugh, what with everything that had happened, and so it was several minutes before he could stop.

After he was able to bring it under control, Harry turned back to Kreacher, “If you could, please make some sandwiches for Ron and Hermione as well.”

“Of course Master Harry, I shall let you know when everything is ready.” With another “CRACK” Kreacher Disapparated and left the three of them alone.

Finally Ron had recovered from his shock and turned his attention back to Harry, slightly puzzled. “You know mate, you can stay at The Burrow. Why do you want to stay here?”

The image of Mrs. Weasley, crying over Fred’s body and the rest of the family’s reaction, immediately came to Harry’s mind.  Calmly he replied, “I just wanted to be alone for a bit and enjoy some peace and quiet.”

Ron looked satisfied with his answer but Harry held his breath as he noticed Hermione giving him a probing look before saying, “Well, you will certainly get plenty of that.”

Relieved that she hadn’t pressed the issue, but also puzzled, Harry asked, “How so?”

“I overheard Professor McGonagall, Kingsley, and the other teachers, while making their way to the Great Hall, and they plan to let all the students go back home for two weeks to be with their families. After that, they will come back to Hogwarts for a month to finish up the year allowing the fifth and seventh-year students to prepare for the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s.”

“Oh,” Harry replied. He had completely forgotten that the school year wasn’t done, but was also pleased that he would get some time to be by himself.

“Hold on,” Ron interjected, “Why don’t you go back to Grimmauld Place?”

“Oh, honestly Ron,” Hermione replied in an exasperated tone, “Don’t you remember that we brought Yaxley to the house? And if Harry wants some peace and quiet then he won’t get it there because everyone knows where it is by now.”

“Oh, yeah,” Ron answered, comprehension dawning on his face.

“Also Harry,” Hermione added, snapping Harry out of his thoughts, “They will be holding the funeral sometime in July. The exact date hasn’t been finalized yet.”

Harry’s chest and throat constricted as he once again remembered seeing some of the faces of those who had fallen; fallen so that the three of them could search for the diadem of Ravenclaw. They had all died because of him.

With that thought running through his mind Harry suddenly it felt as if a thousand pounds had dropped onto his shoulders, making it hard to stand up. His vision started to blur as his eyes started to sting and fill up with tears.

Hermione, noticing Harry’s reaction, stated, “Harry, don’t blame yourself-please.”

“Hermione’s right mate, people would be barking mad to blame you for everything,” Ron added.

In a harsh and husky tone, Harry responded, “They all died because of me. They didn’t die because of you two. They died because of me. ”

“Harry, it was a war. Everyone that died volunteered to help defend the school and to buy us the time we needed,” Hermione whispered, taken aback at his tone.

But Harry was no longer listening; the faces of Remus and Tonks had come to his mind. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he recalled the picture of little Teddy, their baby, and a new wave of guilt and remorse overcame him.

Immediately Harry started to run, pulling out his Invisibility cloak, and throwing it over himself.

“HARRY!” Ron and Hermione yelled in unison at Harry’s vanished form; both of their faces showing shocked expressions as the sound of Harry’s footsteps grew fainter down the darkened hallway.

Through the deserted hallways Harry ran with reckless abandon; jumping over rubble and debris as if a swarm of Dementors were after him. After a little while he could feel his legs starting to burn and his lungs were on fire as he gasped for breath. But still he ran. He passed the Great Hall and could hear from the commotion that everyone was still there. Finally, he spotted the door he had been looking for and opened it.

The small amount of light, from the door Harry opened, illuminated the room where the bodies of everyone, who had died because of him, had been put with spells cast to preserve the bodies. But Harry couldn’t get himself to step into the room.

The tears started running down his face and Harry tried to wipe them away. But the more he wiped the more the tears seems to come.  Despite the threat of Voldemort done away with for good the result had come at a steep price. And there, lying in front of him, were those that had paid for tonight’s victory.

As the tears continued to flow freely Harry removed his invisibility cloak and said, “Kreacher.”

Immediately the old elf Apparated in front of him, “Kreacher apologizes Master Harry, only your room is prepared at the moment.”

“That’s alright Kreacher. I need you to do something for me,”

“Anything Master Harry” Kreacher readily agreed as he noticed the tears streaming down Harry’s face. “Are you alright Master Harry?”

“I’m alright, but could you Apparate us to the house of Andromeda Tonks?”

“Certainly Master.”

Without further comment, Kreacher grabbed Harry’s hand and everything went dark.

Suddenly Harry’s head snapped up to look at the back of the room; he could have sworn he saw a shadow move and a bright light flash just as the darkness engulfed him.

While he was in the dark Harry couldn’t help but see the bodies of everyone that had perished. However something was wrong. Instead of lying peacefully in the room the bodies were mangled and skewed about the place. The faces of Fred, Remus, Tonks, Colin, and all the others were contorted in agony and horror.

Hours seemed to pass as he continued to see these nightmarish versions of the fallen but finally he was standing in the light again and he gave a great sigh of relief. But his heart constricted once more for they were standing right outside the door of Andromeda Tonks’ house.

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