The Elder Blogs: It Was a Beautiful Wedding Part 4

Sean the Pirate King moved quietly through the dense forest as rays of sunlight filtered through the green canopy. Behind him were his two bodyguards as well as a group of hunters spread out behind him. A bow was in his hands, arrow nocked and ready to be drawn quickly, as he looked about for his prey.

Three weeks had passed since the fall of Setaimx and things had been going smoothly. The castle wall had been repaired and the bulk of his army was now fully rested and recovered from their long voyage across the Sega Sea and Ninten-Do Bay.

As the Pirate King occupied the castle his army had found pockets of citizens who had been unable to evacuate the city in time or had refused to leave their home. He had given them the option of leaving the castle, to join their people in exile, or stay here and accept him as their new king. They had elected to stay and, in return, Sean had promised that they would live in peace and come to no harm.

Suddenly Sean spotted his prey and held up his hand for everyone to stop and hold their position. For a minute the Pirate King watched the large buck as it kept a lookout over the dozens of does, young bucks, and fawns foraging the ground for food. The buck itself was a majestic creature with a twelve-point rack of antlers: a prize that many hunters would kill for.

Signaling to the other hunters Sean pointed out targets for them to draw a bead on within the large herd: pointing out only the young bucks and does with no fawns to care for. That way the herd would be able to repopulate.

As one Sean and the hunters drew back their strings and sighted along the arrows. Aiming for the buck the Pirate King took one last minute to admire the animal before he took its life.

Here was a king of the forest looking out over his small herd. There to protect them and guide them. How many such kings and leaders would Sean himself have to kill who would refuse to bend the knee to him? Very soon answers would be arriving from the villages and kingdoms along the coast of the Ninten-Do Bay on whether they would surrender to him or resist. Messengers had been sent all along the coast to deliver the Pirate King’s ultimatum to the rulers and inhabitants. It was his hope that they would accept him as their King without having to attack every city. Yet he knew that some would resist and, like the buck, would die by his hands.

Just before Sean loosed the arrow the buck turned towards him and, for a second, their eyes locked on each other. Immediately Sean let the arrow fly, with the hunters a split second after him, and watched as the arrow took the buck in the heart. With a cry of defiance the buck sunk down to the ground dead as the herd scattered leaving behind the fallen.

Within seconds the herd had vanished into the forest, the sounds of their hoofs beating the ground echoing through the trees. The group of hunters and retainers started to dress the deers as Sean slung his bow onto his back.

“Perfect shot sire,” Mario, on of this two guards, said.

“A beautiful creature and a real trophy as well,” said Luigi who was both Mario’s brother and the Pirate King’s second bodyguard. Noticing Mario giving him a dirty look Luigi quickly added, “Sire.”

“Thank you gentlemen,” Sean replied. “Let’s head back to the castle while the men dress the deer. After all. I have a wedding to get ready for.”

With that the three of them walked back the way they had come, where their horses were being watched by a couple of young stable boys from the castle. After a half hour had passed the three men left the forest and stepped out into the noonday sun where their horses were. Taking the reins from one of the boys Sean mounted his black stallion and immediately made his way to the castle.

The forest was only a short distance from the castle and, within the hour, Sean and his two bodyguards were riding through the gates. Banners of the Pirate King were now everywhere. Instead of the white skull and crossbones it was red on a black background with a gold crown upon its head. Beneath the crowned skull and bones was Sean’s symbol that each Pirate Captain would fly under the pirate banner so that everyone knew whose ship it was: an egg with a serpent entwined about it.

As Sean rode through the streets many of his soldiers cheered for him and, here and there, he spotted men already celebrating his wedding before it had even happened.

Halting his horse at the steps to the palace Sean ascended the stairs with his two guards just behind him.

It was time to get married.




Captain Samus Aran adjusted the rapier at her side as she rode a beautiful white horse out along the plains east of Setaimx Castle. In the distance to the south she could see the forest where her betrothed, the Pirate King, was hunting deer for the feast later on that day.

She knew that she should be getting ready but Samus had never been one for dresses or long ceremonies. She preferred wearing her black leather boots, a black and brown leather sleeveless vest which had a v-cut with a white shirt underneath, and a brown hooded cape hanging from her shoulders.

Her hood was down, letting the wind blow through her long golden hair as she continued to ride through the plains and hills. Looking behind her she saw her two new bodyguards that Sean, the Pirate King, had insisted she have. They were sisters who, like her, had been slaves freed by Sean and had been working under her command on the Revanche, the ship Samus captained.

The three of them had been chained up waiting to be sold on the auction blocks when the ship had been attacked by the pirate known as Sean the Honorable Knight. Back then the mention of the Honorable Knight would set merchants weeping with fear. Ship captains would pray to their gods whenever they saw the Honorable Knight’s flag on the horizon: the egg with a circle entwined around it under the skull and bones.

Since then Samus and her two guards, Ayane and Kasumi, had served in the Pirate King’s fleet. They had been freed ten years ago and instead of finding themselves in brothels, or the playthings of some rich merchant, they were living as free women who had made names for themselves among the fleet.

Samus knew what Ayane and Kasumi were capable of and it was why she had chosen them to be her bodyguards. Not only had they become friends, while serving together, but their skills in hand-to-hand combat were unequaled to most men and their abilities with swords, mainly a curved blade they called the katana, was near legendary. They were the perfect companions and bodyguards for the future Pirate Queen.

After riding for an hour Samus held up her hand and stopped her horse while Ayane and Kasumi pulled up alongside her.

“Is there a problem M’lady,” Ayane asked as she brushed back a few strands of her short light purple hair.

Exasperated Samus scolded her, “I told you not to call me that. We are still friends.”

Instantly Kasumi chimed in, “Yes M’lady. We remember you telling us M’lady.”

“You are going to be our Queen M’lady, “Ayane continued. “We can’t call you captain anymore M’lady. Or dare to call you by your first name M’lady.”

Samus groaned aloud, “You two are impossible!”

Ayane and Kasumi looked at each other and grinned at Samus’s frustration. After all they had been through they treated her like a sister and enjoyed teasing her. When they had heard the news they had been happy but jealous as well. Many women in the fleet and army would have loved to be in Samus’s shoes.

“Just for that I’m going to rest by myself while the two of you scout around to make sure there are no threats to my person, “Samus said in a wicked tone. As she dismounted she pulled out a silver packet from her saddlebag. As she unwrapped it her two guards noticed a dark brown bar underneath the silver wrap. “And while you are scouting around I’m going to eat this delicious Shellian chocolate from the Shell Kingdom.”

Taking a bite of the bar, while her two guards looked at it longingly, Samus continued, “probably the last we will see until we receive word from the Shell Kingdom on whether they will surrender or not.”

Giving her dirty looks and mumbling under their breath the two bodyguards trotted off on their horses in two different directions to make sure there were no threats in the area as Samus sat on the ground with a smug expression on her face. She closed her eyes as the sun shone down on her while she savored the chocolate.

A couple minutes passed and Samus heard a horse approaching her. Thinking that it was either Ayane or Kasumi she continued to relax until a shadow fell across her. Opening her eyes she immediately stood up and drew her sword as the man, from atop his horse, cried out, “Wait!”

Holding her sword pointed at the stranger she watched as he dismounted and fell to his knees in front of her. As he knelt before her Samus took in his ragged appearance. His clothes were torn, tattered, and layered in dust while his horse was thin, its rib cage showing from lack of food and rest.

“Please M’lady,” the stranger begged. “I mean you no harm. My name is Tirsk of the Piznal-Komputir clan such as yourself. I bring word of the battle in the north and have been waiting to approach you for the last two days without being seen.”

At mention of the battle Samus sheathed her sword and motioned for the stranger to stand up. Both Sean and herself and been awaiting word of the battle through the Black Mages but there had been no response from any of the Black Mages that had been with the northern army. “Go on.”

With head lowered Tirsk reported, “With regret M’lady your northern army was wiped out. The Son of the Scorpion summoned an army of the undead to help fight your army. With their help they started to overwhelm your forces until, through some magic, the undead went wild and started to attack both sides. Your northern army was killed to a man while defending the town of MooseyMcMan. But the undead also turned on the Son of Scorpion’s army led by Sonja. They suffered heavy losses and are regrouping with the rest of their army along with the Son of Scorpion and the Death Dealer.”

“The son of Scorpion used necromancy to increase his army,” Samus asked, incredulous.

“Yes M’lady,” Tirsk answered.

“How big is the Son of Scorpion’s army then?”

“20,000 men and women of both the Piznal-Komputir and the White Wolf. A paltry sum compared to your vast army M’lady.”

As she weighed her options Samus looked at the man and spoke quickly, “Go hide yourself, once again, and we will meet again tonight so that I may present you to my soon-to-be husband. He will reward you for your intelligence.” Tirsk bowed before her and got atop his horse. “Meet me at midnight at the abandoned farmhouse outside the castle on the eastern side.”

Kicking up a cloud of dust Tirsk’s horse galloped off back towards the castle and, ten minutes later, Samus’s personal guards returned.

The area is secure M’lady, “Ayane said contritely.

Samus quickly mounted her horse and tossed half of the chocolate bar to Kasumi while saying, “Let us return to the castle quickly. I have a wedding to prepare for and there is still much to be done.”

As they galloped towards the castle Samus spoke to Kasumi, “Make sure to share with your sister.”

“Yes M’lady and thank you for the chocolate, “Kasumi said as a euphoric expression appeared on her face as she took a bite.

While her two guards were smiling and enjoying the chocolate Samus was very worried. The fact that the northern army had been wiped out was not good and she feared what kind of repercussions would come about once Sean heard the news. What was even worse was the fact that the Son of Scorpion himself, along with the Death Dealer, were with the army.

Perhaps she should wait until after the wedding. She didn’t want this day to be ruined for the both of them. But she also didn’t want her people to face the wrath of her future husband when he finally heard the news.

With foreboding in her heart Samus continued on to the castle.




Wherever Sean went he saw signs of people preparing for the wedding that would take place in a couple of hours. As he had made his way to the Palace he had seen people coming and going through the portal that was located inside the castle’s keep close to the palace itself.

Thanks to the Black Mages, who had come from the Land of Final Fantasies, they had created a portal between the castle and Pirata Island. The portal, just like Setaimx Castle, was crucial for the Pirate King’s invasion. Because of the portal the abundance of food the island produced could be transported directly to the castle to help feed his large army. Not only that, but craftsmen would be available to create everything the army needed as it prepared to march on the Elder Blogs. Aside from craftsmen such as blacksmiths, fletchers, and carpenters a variety of other specialties such as chefs, to cook for the wedding feast, and seamstresses for his bride’s wedding dress would be available.

Entering through the castle Sean saw dozens of men and women hard at work preparing the place. In the Main Hall were dozens of long tables for the various captains and commanders of his army to sit. At the top of the stairs, where the ruler’s throne normally was, another long table stood for Sean and his senior Captains and Generals.

Quickly Sean strode through the Main Hall and into a room, adjacent to the Main Hall, that had served as a small library or reading room for the previous Monarch. It had been converted into a war room with maps of the Elder Blogs on the walls. There were several large bookcases as well and a large round table which had the layout of the entire Elder Blogs with cities mapped out and small wooden blocks indicating what kind of armies were in the land and where they were.

Throughout the room were various men and women who were updating maps and writing up reports based on the latest intelligence that would come in daily from the scouts and spies. Looking at the table map Sean saw that the blocks representing his northern army, as well as the Son of Scorpion’s army, had not changed their position. Aside from the initial report that the Son of Scorpion was marching on the town of MooseyMcMan there had been no word of whether Captains Kirk and Solo had engaged the enemy.

“Still no word from the north,” Sean asked one of the orderlies who was reading a logistics report on grain stores. Quickly he bowed and apologized that no such information had arrived.

Letting the man get back to his work Sean left the War Room perturbed at the lack of news from the north. The two armies should have fought by now yet no news. The Black Mages had tried to speak with their companions in the northern army but had had no luck in that regard as well. Tomorrow Sean would send a Sloop down the coast to see what was happening.

Shaking his head, to remove the worries from his mind, the Pirate King made his way towards the room that he had been given so that he might change for the wedding. His future Queen had taken the bedchamber for herself so that she could get ready.

“Not even married and already she is telling me what to do,” Sean muttered while his two personal guards smiled behind his back.

The time had come.




The sun was preparing to set on the western horizon as Sean, the Pirate King, stood at the top of the steps leading to the palace. Looking resplendent in his wedding outfight Sean stood beside the Master of Ceremonies who would conduct the wedding.

For the wedding Sean had removed his normal clothes and was wearing all sorts of finery. He wore black pants with a stripe of red and gold entwined, running down the length of his legs. His belt buckle was made of pure gold inlaid with rubies and sapphires that glittered in the setting sun’s light. The black shirt was of pure silk with pearl buttons and diamond cufflinks. Then, hanging from his shoulders, was a thick black cape with gold brocade running along the outside. And on his head he wore the crown of the Pirate King which was a large circlet of gold with a large ruby on the front of it. On the tips of the crown were blue sapphires while all around the rim were a mixture of diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.

Before him were thousands of men and women who talked amongst themselves which was noisy as they waited for the wedding to begin. Most of them were from his vast army but there were also many citizens from Pirata, who had come through the portal, as well as the several hundred citizens of Seatimx Castle who had been left behind during the attack. And behind him stood his two personal guards wearing their same outfits except this time, instead of carrying their flintlock rifles, they were wielding ceremonial halberds gilded in silver.

Suddenly the noise of the crowd became silent and Sean quickly looked up. Coming down the red carpet, which led up to the top of the steps, he could see Samus being escorted by General Lothar with her two personal guards following right behind her.

As he gazed upon Samus it seemed as if he had forgotten how to breathe while his stomach was doing flip-flops. Her dress was extremely simple and elegant. There were no frills or ruffles anywhere on it for it was just a fitted sleeveless dress, with a v-cut, that hugged every curve of her body as if it was almost a second skin Yet despite the pristine white of the dress Sean noticed a red belt around the waist which seemed to look like a stain on the dress.

Seeing the red belt Sean almost laughed out loud which ended up as a loud snort as he tried to control it. As he tried to hide the snort behind a fit of coughing everyone looked in his vicinity horrified at such an outburst. Holding back the tears of laughter, as his bride made her way to the bottom of the steps, he remembered the night before when Samus was complaining about wearing a dress at all.

“Why do I have to wear a white dress, “Samus had ranted as they lay together in the enormous bed that they had been breaking in for the past couple weeks. “It’s not as if I am a virgin and I am definitely not pure. Bad enough that I have to wear a dress in the first place but pure white!?”

“It is tradition my dear,” he had replied while holding back his laughter.

“Well I’ll just have to do something about it then,” was her vehement reply.

And so there it was a, testament to what she thought of wearing white, that red belt which stained the purity of the dress.

Finally Samus was atop the stairs beside him as General Lothar joined the rest of the population at the bottom of the steps. Behind Samus were her two personal guards and he could hear Mario, from behind him say, “Damn, those two look mighty fine brother.”

Immediately he heard a soft blow followed by the explosion of someone’s breath. Most likely Luigi elbowing his brother for speaking during the ceremony. With a serious expression on his face Sean turned his head slightly towards Mario, his left eyebrow arched up. Instantly Mario’s face turned beet red as he mumbled an apology before Sean returned his attention to the Master of Ceremonies.

Wielding a large golden staff the Master of Ceremonies banged it on the ground three times. He was an old man who had served three Pirate Kings in his lifetime. His bald head was covered with a purpled hood that was attached to a large purple cape that ran down his back.

He wore a dark blue robe which he adjusted as he started to speak in a booming voice, “Attend! All you who are gathered here! Bear witness to the union of the Pirate King to one of his twelve captains! They have fought side-by-side, spilled blood together, and now wish to be joined for the rest of their lives!”

Turning to Sean he asked, “Do you, Sean, King of Pirata and Captain of the Serenity, agree to take this woman as your Queen?”

Without hesitation Sean replied in a loud voice, “I do!”

Turning to Samus he asked the same question, “Do you, Samus Aran, Captain of the Revanche, accept the position of Queen and wish to be with this man?”

Smiling Samus shouted, “I do!”

Then turning his gaze upon the crowd the Master of Ceremonies asked, “And do you, vassals of the King, approve of this marriage?”

And from the crowd arose a monstrous cry that surely could be heard throughout the Elder Blogs, WE DO!”

As the people responded Sean took the small golden circlet from Luigi who presented it on a small white pillow. With tenderness and love in his eyes he place the circlet upon Samus’s head. As the echo of the crowd’s response died, and the last rays of the setting sun shined on the couple, the Master of Ceremonies spoke, “under the gaze of the gods and in the eyes of the people, you are know man and wife and King and Queen!”

Immediately Sean, the Pirate King, and Samus, the new Pirate Queen, kissed on the steps in front of the grand palace with the last ray of the setting sun disappearing behind the horizon to the roar of the crowds.




The noise was deafening in the Main Hall as the officers of the Pirate King talked, cheered, laughed, and even sang while they partook of the sumptuous banquet. All around at the various tables were different cheeses and small roasted game birds. Every now and then servants would bring out platters of all manner of seafood and larger animals. The majestic buck, that Sean had killed that day, had been carted in looking so lifelike until they removed its hide to show that it had, indeed, been cooked.

In a corner of the main hall was an orchestra which played lively tunes for the guests and throughout the hall was jugglers and magicians plying their trades for the guest’s entertainment. Outside the palace the entire populace was eating, dancing, celebrating, and toasting the King and his new Queen while the Black Mages provided brilliant pyrotechnics for the benefit of all.

At the royal table Sean and Samus served each other all kinds of foods and chatted with the other twelve captains along with the generals and other senior commanders. Behind them, at a smaller table, were their four personal guards eating as well but keeping a sharp eye out for any threats to the royal couple.

Around ten o’clock Sean stood up, his hands outstretched to gather everyone’s attention, and waited for the noise to die down. Within minutes the noise had ceased and he spoke in a loud voice, “My friends! The hour grows late for me but for the rest of you the night is still early. Continue to eat and be merry for I have a new wife whose needs I must attend to!”

With a great cheer everyone in the room jumped up from their seats and waited for the King and Queen to leave the hall before returning to the festivities.

As Sean and Samus left the hall, arm in arm with their guards behind them, Samus gave Sean a light punch and said, “Now, all of a sudden, you are telling me when I have to leave the party huh? Just because I am your wife doesn’t mean I have to listen to you.”

Chagrined, Sean replied, “Wasn’t there a vow where you have to do whatever I say?”

“Of course not, but there was the part about us spilling blood together. That can always be amended to spilling each others,” Samus said sweetly.

Sean gave her a lecherous look and rubbed his left shoulder, “you already spilled my blood a couple nights ago when you bit me a little too hard. Or had you forgotten?”

Blushing Samus simply said, “Shut up.”

Within minutes they were at their bedchamber. Deftly Sean picked Samus up into his arms while Mario opened the door to their room. As their guards took up station outside their room Sean carried Samus through the door and, both of them laughing, immediately took her to their bed as they started to undress each other.




Only an hour had passed when there was an urgent knock on the door followed by a muffled voice, “Your majesties, It’s me, Mario. You have an urgent message.”

With groans emanating from beneath the covers Sean flipped off the sheets and got out of the bed while grabbing a robe to cover himself with. Still in the bed, Samus lay under the sheets, quickly looking at the clock to see what time it was, as Sean, smiling, opened the door.

Just outside the door was the same orderly Sean had talked to earlier today, his face white with fear as he bowed, “Sire, news has arrived from the north. General Lothar is waiting for you in the War Room at your earliest convenience.”

The smile left his face and Sean thanked the orderly who bowed once again and quickly walked away. Putting on his clothes Sean looked at Samus who was still lying under the bed covers, “I’m heading to the War Room, would you care to join me and hear the reports?”

Presenting a calm, outward appearance, Samus replied, “I’ll stay here and wait for you to return.”

Nodding at her Sean left their bedchamber in a hurry with his two personal guards in pursuit. As his footsteps faded away Samus quickly jumped out of bed and threw on some black clothes and her black hooded cape while securing her rapier and dagger to her belt. If she left now she would still be able to rendezvous with Tirsk at the abandoned farmhouse.

Climbing out the window Samus quickly made it down to the ground and made her way through the castle on foot. Thankfully the entire population was still celebrating and she was able to make it through the castle, without being spotted, despite the Black Mages’ pyrotechnics still lighting up the dark cloudy sky.

Samus ran for a half-hour and finally made it to the farmhouse. As she entered the abode she saw Tirsk beside a small smokeless fire. He quickly jumped up, sword in hand, and, noticing it was her, sheathed his sword and bowed, “M’lady I am ready to be presented to the king.”

With a smile Samus stepped close to Tirsk, placed her left hand on his cheek, and said, “And you shall be richly rewarded for your information.”

Before Tirsk could say his thanks Samus plunged her dagger into his heart as his eyes widened in surprise. Without uttering a sound Tirsk fell to the ground dead. At the same time as his body hit the floor a boom of thunder echoed and startled Samus. She would need to get back to her bedchamber before the rains started or before her husband would return. Cleaning off her bloodied dagger Samus left the farmhouse.

Quickly she ran through the streets, once again avoiding everyone, and arrived just before the rain came down in a torrential downpour. Panting and sweating she quickly started to undress as lightning flashed across the sky and the thunder boomed.

Naked she went to the large bathroom, connected to their bedroom, and twisted the gold faucet, turning on the water, and waited for the large marble bathtub to fill with hot water. As she waited she went over to a sink and washed the small amount of blood off of her hands. When the tub was filled she stepped into the tub and lay down to relax and wash away the sweat.

With her heart beating a thousand times a minute Samus was in the tub for only a minute before she heard the door open and slam shut.

Her new husband had returned.




Sean quickly made his way to the War Room and, within seconds, he entered through the doors. Inside the room were General Lothar and the remainder of his twelve captains including Captains Kratos and Dante who had been left behind on Pirata to run things in his absence. They all bowed as Sean entered the room as his two guards took up positions at the door.

“What news of the north,” Sean immediately asked as he walked up to the large round table.

In a soft voice Lothar said, “Destroyed sire. The Enterprise arrived just now, badly damaged, with only a small portion of the fleet. Commander Scott reported that the entire northern army was killed by an army of undead that the son of Scorpion had summoned to help fight against us.”

With a cry of rage Sean swiped at the table’s map where the blocks, representing the northern army were, and knocked them violently off the table. Those that were in the flying object’s path flinched as the blocks hit them but said nothing. All around the table everyone stayed silent as they waited for the Pirate King to speak with their heads bowed and eyes downcast.

Trying to control his rage Sean looked at General Lothar and, in an angry tone, told him to continue with his report.

“During his last communication with Captain Kirk, Commander Scott was told that the undead were fighting and killing everyone, including the Son of Scorpion’s army. He believes that the Son of Scorpion suffered great losses at the battle as well.”

“How long ago did this transpire, “Sean asked through gritted teeth.

“It happened a week ago sire,” Lothar replied.

Barely suppressing his anger Sean stated, “It appears we have our answer from the Son of Scorpion. In two days I will lead an army into their lands to wipe them out.” as he said that last part the sound of thunder was heard.

Looking at one of the men across from the table Sean addressed him, “Commander Shepard.”

“Yes sire,” was Shepard’s immediate reply.

“I want you take the Normandy, along with fifty ships, and rid the seas of their presence. Destroy them all.”

“As you command sire.”

“Everyone turn in and meet back here first thing in the morning. General Lothar, stay for a moment.”

Bowing to the Pirate King everyone left him alone with General Lothar and his two guards who continued to keep a silent vigil over the proceedings.

Once the door was closed behind the last person Sean looked at Lothar, “He used Necromancy?”

“It appears so my lord.”

Despite his anger at the situation Sean couldn’t help but smile, “Then he has alienated himself from the rest of the Elder Blogs. We need no longer fear that the Elder Blogs will rally around him to oppose us. They will have to find someone else to unite under. This is the perfect opportunity to strike while we can.”

“I shall send out scouts in the morning sire to see where the Son of Scorpion’s army is located.”

“No need to know where they are. I am going to march directly to their capitol so that they will have no choice but to meet me in battle to defend their cities. I will send a large force under the command of Captain Kratos to the south to take control of every city along the coastline.”

“What about the Shell Kingdom sire,” Lothar asked.

“We leave them alone for now. I am still waiting for our second fleet to arrive with those special units. Without them, taking on the shell Kingdom’s navy and sky fleet would be difficult. I’d rather wait until we have a stronger hand. Who knows, maybe they will agree to swear fealty to me.”

“I agree sire.”

Then I shall see you in the morning General,” Sean said as he started to walk to the door.

Before he could leave the room General Lothar said, “May I ask you something sire?”

“Of course, General.”

“What will you tell your wife about your decision to wipe out her people?”

Stunned, Sean stayed quiet for a moment before answering, “I do not know General. Perhaps I will change my mind in the morning but, if not, then I hope she will understand when I tell her my decision.”

With that said Sean left the room and headed towards the bedchamber where his new wife awaited him.

As he walked down the corridors he could hear the sudden downpour of rain which suited his dark mood. As he thought of the loss of his northern army he grew angry again. While the majority of the army had been comprised of hired soldiers five thousand of them had been men and women who had served him under their own free will when he had freed them from captivity.

Now they would no longer continue to know freedom for they were all dead.

Sean opened the door and slammed it behind him as he entered the bedchamber. Looking around he saw that his wife was not in the bed. As he continued to look for her he noticed the door to the bathroom was opened and went in to see his wife lying naked in the tub with her eyes closed.

“Come join me,” Samus said once he had entered the bathroom.

Stripping off his clothes Sean stepped into the tub behind Samus as she sat up to make room for him. As she laid her back against his chest, while her head snuggled under his chin, he said, “My northern army was wiped out.”

Squeezing her eyes shut Samus whispered, “I know.”

Surprised Sean asked, “How?”

“A man approached me today. He had defected from the Son of Scorpion and sought to curry favor with you by telling you what had happened.”

“Where is he now?”

“Dead. He was wounded during the battle and died shortly after approaching me.”

Putting his arms around Samus’s waist Sean asked, “Why did you not tell me this immediately?”

“Because I didn’t want it to ruin our wedding day,” She replied sadly. “It was such a beautiful wedding. I wanted us to have some time to be happy and enjoy our new status for a short while before letting this war continue.” She placed her hands above his own waiting for him to reply.

Sean let out a long sigh as the warm water helped to relieve the tension and anger, “I understand.” He felt her grip his hands tightly when he uttered those words. “But I plan to lead an army against your people and I want to know if you will have a problem with that. No matter what I decide.”

Slowly Samus turned around in Sean’s arms so that she stared into his black eyes. With her face an inch away from his she said, “I love you and I shall always love you no matter what.”

With nothing else to say Samus kissed him deeply as she started to lower her body onto his.




Outside the Royal Bedchamber the four personal guards continued to size each other up as they had been doing all day.

The two brothers had finally discarded the halberds and were, once again, wielding their flintlock rifles. The two sisters carried no such firearms, relying on their skills with sword and hand to be more then enough to protect their Queen.

With a smile Mario suggested, “So now that there are four of us. How about we take shifts so that we can get to know each other?”

Ayane and Kasumi looked at the two brothers and then looked at each other, smiling, before Ayane spoke, “Lose the mustaches and we will talk.”

To which Kasumi added, “We’ll take the first watch so you boys can think about it.”

As the two brothers left the two sisters to guard the royal couple Luigi turned to Mario, “Do you think they are messing with us?”

Looking back at the sisters Mario replied in a wistful manner, “I don’t know. But for them, I’ll lose the mustache.”


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