Saluting Videogame Moms Who Beat the Odds to Celebrate Mother’s Day

It’s one of the oldest tropes when it comes to storytelling no matter if it is a book, movie, or video game. If there is a mother involved, chances are very high that she is dead or is going to die as a factor for the hero or heroine as they go on their hero’s journey. There are reasons for this, though it can be subverted in order to change the formula up, being a staple in the videogame industry (a topic that can be discussed at a later time). So to celebrate Mother’s Day we are highlighting videogame mothers who have bucked the odds and are still alive that are either playable or have a significant role in the game.

Bayonetta – Bayonetta 1 & 2


When one thinks of a motherly figure, how many would think of Bayonetta? Don’t get me wrong, most boys are probably envisioning a “Stacy’s Mom” of sorts when having their little fantasies, but that is a different topic. But in general, the image that will pop into people’s heads when the term mother is brought up tends to be nothing like Bayonetta. 

Yet, while this sexy witch with a penchant for overt displays of T&A wouldn’t be the first thing you think about when it comes to motherhood, she does step up to the plate. Granted, it is through a lot of timey-wimey paradox manipulation that results in her being a mother to little Cereza. However, we think it still counts as her being a mother even if it turns out that Cereza is Bayonetta’s younger self. 

Personally, this isn’t any more crazy than Aya Brea, from the Parasite Eve franchise, being a mother to her own clone. So Bayonetta deserves to be on this list, especially since she has such a positive influence on her younger self to the point that Cereza’s fighting spirit changes her history and creates a new timeline. 


Ana Amari – Overwatch

Known by her aliases Horus, Shrike, and Bastet this Egyptian native has had it rough. At one time, Amari was Overwatch’s second-in-command and one of the founding members of the Overwatch strike team. While she worked for Overwatch, the world’s best sharpshooter was also raising her daughter Fareeha and teaching her martial arts 

Unsurprisingly, Fareeha wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps, a goal that Amari did not approve of. Because of Amari’s unwillingness to approve and support her daughter’s dream of joining Overwatch, their relationship became strained. But Amari’s attempts to dissuade her daughter was all for naught as, upon allowing the world to believe she was dead, Fareeha (Pharah) joined Overwatch to honor her mother’s memory.

While things have not worked out too well for this mother, she still tries to do what she can to protect her family and the people of Egypt. 


Morrigan – Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition

Morrigan is sassy, witty, attractive, and her conversations with Alistair are hilarious to witness. As one of the standout companions in Dragon Age: Origins, the majority of players couldn’t help but be drawn to this character who, thanks to the brilliant voice work of Claudia Black, came off as very strong and independent, yet had her moments of endearing vulnerability. 


As a solution to saving the Grey Warden’s life, Morrigan suggests that a warden such as the main character, Alistair, or Loghain impregnate her which would allow her to capture the soul of the Old God once the Archdemon has been dispatched. While DA:O offers multiple resolutions for Morrigan, one results in her getting pregnant with the OGB (Old God Baby). She pops up again in Inquisition with her son Kieran and, bucking all the odds when it comes to mothers in stories, she survives to keep on doing her thing as a mother and a witch with an agenda. 

Little-known fact, Kieran is voiced by Claudia Black’s son who is named Odin. 

Clementine – The Walking Dead


It isn’t easy to be a child when the zombie apocalypse hits. In fact, you don’t see a lot of zombie shows or movies involving kids who will survive or be a part of the main cast. Not only does Clementine buck the trend, but she evolves throughout the seasons. From a young, semi-innocent child who tries to be the conscience for a group of survivors to becoming a young teen that turns more jaded and withdrawn you would think it would be enough for the sake of character evolution. Yet, Clem also becomes a teen mom. 

Now, being a teen mom isn’t easy. So imagine how it would be during a zombie apocalypse! Yet, she cares and protects Alvin Jr (AJ) from the moment he is a babe when his mother dies and zombifies while holding the baby in her arms. While Clem may not be AJs biological mother, she does her best as a surrogate mother. 

Though, at the end of Season 4, it really did seem as if Clem would not have made this list. Thankfully, Telltale Games bucked that trend and gave us an ending for this mother. Seriously though, a child in the zombie apocalypse-turned-teen-mom is one hell of a bad break for any character. So hats off to Clem for rising up to the occasion. 

Sonya Blade – Mortal Kombat

When it comes to a tough woman, they don’t come any tougher than General Sonya A. Blade. From a soldier to being a member of the Outer World Investigation Agency, Earthrealm’s special forces, she has fought to keep earth and its inhabitants out of the clutches of the other five realms. Consistently putting her life on the line.

Despite putting her life on the line time and time again, she has still found the time to fall in love and have a child. Shortly after Shinnok’s defeat, she married fellow fighter Johnny Cage, and eventually gave birth to her daughter Cassandra Carlton Cage (Cassie). While Sonya would prioritize work over family, it didn’t stop Cassie from following in her mother’s footsteps and joining Special Forces.  

Happy to say, the fruit didn’t fall far from this tree as Cassie is just as tough as her mother and helps to defend Earthrealm from being conquered. Considering how deadly these fights are, it is a testament to how strong Sonya Blade is that she can still celebrate Mother’s Day with her family.

While kicking some Netherrealm ass on the side. 


Author’s Note: Didn’t see a videogame character on this list? Check out our older Mother’s Day post and, if your character still isn’t on the list, then hit us up in the comments section to let us know who your favorite videogame mother is.

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