When it comes to feminism, there are things to support. Women being able to get an education, having the right to vote, and anything else that gives them the same rights as men from an objective standpoint I am all for. My only contention with feminism occurs when they try to make claims that ignore their biological reality or try to claim that they are not just equal, but superior. Yet as I was watching season six episode three of Peaky Blinders, titled “Gold,” there was a scene that I found hilarious which was obviously meant to be a “rah-rah” moment for modern feminists and women.
This particular scene felt so out of place in this British drama series set in 1919 that I couldn’t help laughing at it. Especially when there was no witty repartee from the series’ main character Thomas Shelby (Cillian Murphy). In the scene Esme, a small, petite woman (the character’s sister-in-law) declares,
“I don’t have a man. What use is a man? Horse pulls the wagon. Dog keeps me safe. Cat keeps me warm at night. And if anyone’s going to give you trouble, Thomas Shelby, it will be me.”
The declaration she made was absolutely ludicrous. Especially since she is surrounded by wagons and a bunch of men that are part of the group (A Gypsy caravan, mind you). Despite the humor I found in this scene, it is also sobering because it is a perfect example of how delusional some modern feminists and women are. Let’s be honest here. Just seeing those wagons in the background I couldn’t help but compare spokes and wheels. Should women be able to change a tire? Absolutely! Do the majority of women know how to change a tire? Of course not! Would you expect a woman to change the tire if a man was there? Nope! Yet, if a wagon spoke were to break in the setting where this scene takes place, are you telling me that this 5’1” woman would be able to repair or remove a spoke by herself?
Be honest.
As for the animals she mentioned…you know, the horse that was domesticated by men. Dogs that were tamed by men. Cats that…were…okay, I don’t know what’s the deal with cats except they think they are our masters. No thanks in part to the Egyptians who worshiped them and inflated their ego.
Of course, modern feminist ideology has been pervasive these days. Which is fine. Modern world, modern women, etc. We should explore all of these things to see what works and what doesn’t for the betterment of society. But injecting the ideology, as if it were lip filler, into areas where these concepts are so glaringly out of place and out of touch has been ruining entertainment for a while. Not only is it out of place, it is also reinforcing the delusions of people, both men and women, who think that the female gender is equal or superior to males when it comes to physicality.
It appears that a significant amount of women have no idea, or conceptualize, how hard it was without all of today’s modern comforts. To the point that some believe they can handle anything and everything on their own. And this belief is constantly being reflected in entertainment, literature, education, and society in general.
But it is not reflective of reality.
Yet, Esme’s question, “What use is a man,” is one constantly voiced by modern women who have bought into feminism’s current ideology. A belief which, time and time again has been shown as delusional. Whether it was seasons two and three of The Island with Bear Grylls, which pitted men and women against each other in a survival setting, to mediocre men declaring themselves to be women in order to feel superior when dominating in female sports. All because these trans women athletes couldn’t hack it in male sports and needed to feel good about themselves in some capacity (I am only talking about trans athletes and not trans women in general). But this current, controversial example, just emphasizes the fact that women can not compete with men when it comes to anything physical.
To take this point further, it’s not as if women dominate construction, society’s infrastructure, or take on the hardest, dangerous, and most isolating jobs. In fact, in the majority of these areas, women don’t even break double-digits when it comes to percentages of the overall workforce (especially when you remove the cushy jobs such as administration). However, there are women that will claim that anything a man can do they can do it. Sure, a woman can do things a man can do.
But not as well.
Not by a long shot in many cases.
If you think that is not the case, then why do we see such a gap in performance between female and male sports? Look at Lia Thomas for the latest example of this. And why is it that women aren’t more prevalent when it comes to esports which doesn’t really have a physical barrier to it?
Does society have to regress back to the Middle Ages in order for women to be reminded that it was men who stood against the dangers presented by nature? That men were the ones breaking their backs in the fields, building homes, and doing as much manual labor as possible so that women could tend to the house and perform the more menial, less labor intensive tasks and care for the children? That conveniences such as the washing machine were invented for the benefit of women so that they didn’t have to work so hard?
Then again, when women denigrate other women who wish to be mothers and wives, I guess that says it all about today’s society. Especially since men haven’t changed. Men are still willing to work themselves to death for the benefit of their wives and children. Problem is, there aren’t that many women who are worth that sacrifice anymore. Though, to be fair, there are not as many men worthy of having a wife and kids either.
However, modern feminism continues to be injected into every aspect of society. The modern world has coddled women into a state of false security. At the very least, we shouldn’t be trying to feminize the past to make it sound like women, on their own, could survive in nature. The majority of them wouldn’t have been able to. Don’t believe me? Then check out seasons two and three of the aforementioned The Island with Bear Grylls just to see how the women fared against the men on an abandoned island. Or check out the History Channel’s Alone tv series which has gone on for eight seasons where men and women compete to see who can survive for the longest on their own.
Alone is a very interesting study regarding not just modern women in a more realistic light, but the fragility of the average man as well.
But that’s a discussion for another day.
So what period piece in entertainment, that you have seen or read, tends to be ruined or undermined by the intrusion of modern feminist ideology?
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