The Independent Politician: Arizona GOP Congressional Candidate Jerone Davison’s Pro-Gun, Anti-Democrat KKK Ad Is Brilliant And On The Nose

These days, I am tired of seeing ad campaigns for various politicians because it tends to be cookie-cutter propaganda. Ads that loudly proclaim all of the changes that will be made if you vote for this candidate that, most of the time, never lives up to their promises. But, every now and then, there are ads that will grab my attention and say, “At least this stands out and gives me some hope.” Which is what the Arizona GOP Congressional Candidate Jerone Davison’s ad has done. Davison’s ad caught my attention because it is brilliant, on the nose, and leftists are going ballistic over it.

Davison’s ad features people dressing in Klan robes and hoods coming for him with the political candidate himself wielding an AR-15; ready to defend himself from these people who mean him harm. As the clip plays out, his voiceover says, “Democrats like to say that no one needs an AR-15 for self defense. That no one could need all thirty rounds. But when this rifle is the only thing standing between your family and a dozen, angry Democrats in Klan hoods. You just might need that semi-automatic and all thirty rounds.”

As someone who is pro-Second Amendment and believes we all have the right to defend ourselves, our loved ones, our livelihoods, and our property, this ad resonated with me. Especially as it specifically points to one of the main arguments that is made by pro-gun activists: defending ourselves from those who would do us harm. For Davison, a black man, that is defending himself against the KKK/racists. 

One of the things that is awesome about this ad, which has Leftists angered, revolves around Davison saying, “Democrats in Klan hoods.” For those who don’t know their US history, the Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan after they lost the Civil War as a way to keep their former slaves from trying to thrive post-Emancipation and to try and undermine and overthrow Republican state governments in the South. Overall, there have been three eras of the KKK rising and falling. Every time, brought back to life by Democrats. 

Modern Democrats try to claim that there was a switch between the Democrat and Republican party which is a lie for the sake of propaganda. Rather, there was a split where, in my opinion, the more retarded KKK members decided to call themselves ”Republicans” while the rest stayed firmly entrenched within the political party that gave birth to this monstrosity. You need only look at Joe Biden’s mentor, Robert Byrd, who formed a new chapter of the KKK in West Virginia and was an Exalted Cyclops in the terrorist group, to see that these people are still within the party and never left.

A black Klan member with the DNC logo on his chest

Another aspect of this ad, which immediately caught my attention, is the fact that the first Klan member shown in the video is black (I haven’t seen anyone point this out yet). Which is apropos given the current political climate. Terrorist groups such as Antifa and BLM are the modern iterations of the KKK that are supported by the Democrat party. If you want to see large groups of white people shouting racist slurs, all you have to do is see their reaction to people of color that are not a part of their fanatical groupthink. 

Case-in-point, President 46 certainly is no stranger to racist remarks. From saying the N-word multiple times on the senate floor and talking about Obama saying, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” And who could forget when he said in an interview during his presidential campaign, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

That last example is certainly the common groupthink when it comes to the African-American community where the motto tends to be, as I paraphrase it, “You ain’t black unless you vote Democrat.” In fact, along with the racist, white Leftists, they go out of their way to call black people who are conservative, Republican, and Libertarian Uncle Tom, N!gg#$, and other terms along those lines. 

To paraphrase a common phrase, “It do be your own.”

Especially when it comes to gun violence. Black-on-black violence is at insane numbers. More so when it comes to Democrat-controlled states and cities which also tend to have strict gun laws. Gang and criminal activities terrorize their communities and results in high mass shootings that are ignored by mainstream media. If you want to see examples of regular mass shootings and death by firearms, take a look at Chicago every weekend. 

Then there was the argument that, rather than defending himself he should wait for the cops. Really? This coming from the side that has been screeching to “defund the police?” The same side that hates the police and believes that all they do is shoot black people (which is far from the truth)? 

Not to mention that, in such a scenario, the police wouldn’t get there in time to stop a terrorist organization who wants to harm or kill their target. Just look at the mass shootings discussed in the media. Police tend to get there after the fact. And, unsurprisingly, the media tends to quickly drop, or ignore, stories of potential mass shooters stopped early by armed citizens. In fact, according to a study by The National Academies’ of Medicine and National Research Council defensive gun use has saved anywhere from 500,000 to 3 million lives annually. 

And it doesn’t even have to be a terrorist organization. People have the right to defend themselves when someone breaks into their house. How are the police going to get there in time if the criminal has already broken into someone’s house intent on killing their victim? Of course, you have retarded states such as New Jersey that tells people they are not allowed to stand their ground if they have a way to escape from their own house in the scenario. 

Which is such a ludicrous thing to enforce!

I have to wonder how many people that were affected by the Antifa/BLM riots, and the ones who were shaken down for money and saw people murdered in the CHAZ(all black), wished that they had been armed to defend themselves from these domestic terrorists? Since, you know, the police didn’t do anything to stop it from becoming a thing in the first place.

There is so much to unpack from this 30-second ad that can be discussed in depth. So my hat is off to Davison for this refreshing ad that will resonate with Americans who are tired of seeing their rights stripped away. Tired of the Left’s hypocrisy when it comes to race, race relations, and of the Democratic National Committee’s lies. 

At the very least, I hope it will open up more people’s eyes as to the Democrat Party and its part in the majority of racist laws, groups, and institutions created throughout the history of this country, and which continues to be promoted today. After all, the Left is back to preaching about having segregation in schools and continues to promote racist policies when it comes to the collegiate levels of education in our country. It continues to promote policies that further weaken the minority communities but, finally, many of those communities are starting to catch on to what is happening. 

Good luck to Jerone Davison and his campaign in Arizona. 

Especially in light of the 14 Republicans who spat in the faces of their constituents who helped Democrats recently pass a gun safety bill. The country needs more pro-2A politicians.


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