Gaming Minority Cried About Arachnophobia, BioWare Took It Too Seriously – No Spiders In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Everytime there is a popular game that features spiders in it there is the inevitable editorial complaining about them. Over the past five years, it seems that more and more articles are being written about how spiders should not be put in games, games should have content warnings, or that developers create a content filter of sorts specifically for spiders for what has been escalated to being an “accessibility problem.” It’s an argument for a minority of people that sites such as Kotaku, VICE, and the rest love to trumpet for the clicks. As a result, some developers are taking the spider haters seriously with BioWare being the latest one as it boasts that Dragon Age: The Veilguard has no spiders.

It’s hard to fathom why BioWare would exclude spiders from their games since the franchise is known for spiders and spider bosses. Until one remembers how woke Veilguard is. That the status quo, for BioWare, is not about creating great games, but that the company has determined that Dragon Age: The Veilguard must be the wokest of the woke when it comes to the characters, gameplay, story, and character creation.

To be fair, BioWare isn’t the first developer to address the arachnophobic-stricken community that, according to the Cleveland Clinic, is anywhere from 3%-15% of the population and affects women more than men. Over the years, developers have started to address this community such as Blizzard, who released an arachnophobia mode alongside its The War Within expansion for World of Warcraft, which focused on the spider-like race called Nerubians by turning them into crabs. A laudable thing to applaud if one ignored the racist and genocidal connotations of such an action no matter the reason or, to put it another way, crab-washing an entire race. Imagine if this applied to African people in a game. Developer simply releases a mod that changes their appearance to make certain people feel more comfortable and “safe.”

Other games, such as Lethal Company, doesn’t replace them with creatures, it just puts the word “SPIDER” over them in huge letters. Hogwart’s Legacy, on the other hand, has a slider that makes arachnids in its game appear more Riddikulus and even changes the noises they make. Meanwhile, games such as Nightingale, features an arachnophobia mode that simply removes spiders, and replaces them, in another complete genocide of a species for the comfortability of the fragile minority. 

Remember when Ron Weasley had to overcome his fear of spiders to help his friends?

But for BioWare, the devs simply took it another step further by not bothering to put them in the game. A game that has already been criticized for its limited gameplay, scope, and narrative among other, more woke,  things such as top surgery scars. So why waste time developing these eight-legged arthropods for your game to provide some scares for the gamer?

Companies changing their vision and ideas has been an alarmingly-increasing pattern in the gaming industry as developers and publishers cater to this vocal minority trumpeted by video game websites and journalists. The same group of people who yell and whine about game difficulty, female characters being attractive, etc.  The outcome is that this has resulted in subpar video games and ever-declining sales numbers as both gamers and the general audience are unconvinced to purchase such titles as Concord and Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.

Now, this is not to say that people who suffer from arachnophobia don’t have legitimate arguments. They do, up to a point. But screaming at developers and demonizing games for having spiders in them is not valid. It is not fair that developers should spend more time worrying about how you will react to the game they wanted to create. It is not fair that, if they want to include spiders, that they take the time to come up with an alternative to the spider or a mode to remove them. 

Ignoring an entire species because they make someone uncomfortable…

What’s next, horror games can no longer be horrifying because they utilize everything that can terrify people? Will horror games be sterilized and castrated like comedy has for the woke minority – afraid to be funny at the expense of insulting someone?

Video games are an opportunity to face your fears in a safe environment. Just like trying to overcome difficulties and challenges in video games to improve. But this vocal minority has become so weak that they can’t even differentiate reality from fiction. That their views are so ludicrous that they will declare that teabagging is sexual assault. However, the reality is that, In order to progress in life and become stronger, we have to face our fears. Just like Ron Weasley had to face his fears of spiders in the Harry Potter books. Just like every hero has to go through trials and tribulations in order to triumph.

But, if the minority have their way, even these things will be stripped from games to create something that is more akin to walking through a family-friendly kid’s book. BioWare is just taking the next step towards this future in developing a game that was created by prioritizing the woke instead of focusing on producing a good game.

Suffice to say, Dragon Age: The Veilguard was developed by hypocritical pussies for hypocritical pussies. 

Pussies who have vilified and demonized an entire species that has a beneficial impact on the environment. It is sad that BioWare and these people gleefully partake in speciesism and do not care about the environment. Shame on you who demand that games change to make you feel safe, you sad, pathetic little coward.

And for these people, when it comes to “inclusivity,” you don’t have to tolerate someone or something if it scares you.

Just another reason why gamers should boycott BioWare’s Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Do you think spiders should be removed from video games?x



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