The Knight Writer: Shadows of the Eclipse – Synopsis and Prologue (Rough Draft)

With all of the hubbub around the total solar eclipse, I decided to do a quick brainstorm for a story that centered around the event. For this event, the idea of demons popped into my head and sent me down an interesting rabbit hole. So I write out a quick synopsis and a prologue for your critique and even a placeholder image.

Feel free to let me know what you think about the initial synopsis.


The world witnesses a rare celestial event: a total solar eclipse that cuts a path across the United States. Unbeknownst to humanity, this eclipse serves as a catalyst, opening a portal from the demon world. The demons, led by a powerful entity known as Moloch, have been awaiting this moment to launch their invasion.

As the eclipse’s path darkens the land, those within its shadow are consumed by a dark energy, their bodies twisted and corrupted into demonic forms. Entire cities fall silent as the demons rampage unchecked, spreading chaos and destruction. All within the shadows of the eclipse fall to the demons except for a small band of survivors living in Austin, Texas led by a person who had prepared for this demonic invasion. It is up to this small band of humans to survive the demons hunting them, find out how to defeat these nightmarish creatures and their leader Moloch, and close the portal.

With time running out and the forces of evil closing in, the survivors embark on a perilous journey, facing unimaginable dangers and making unthinkable sacrifices. But as long as hope remains, they will fight on, for themselves, for Austin, and for all of humanity.


The time was fast approaching and those within the path of the total eclipse wanted to witness this celestial event. The United States, especially, couldn’t talk about anything else as the news media, celebrities, and social media gushed about how special this total eclipse would be. That it would be the most viewed eclipse in history because its path would pass through many large cities and that there wouldn’t be another total eclipse like it in the United States for 20 years. 

Yet, while everyone prepared to witness the moon make its elliptical journey around the earth until it was positioned perfectly between the sun and the planet, a malevolent force was also waiting. Moloch, self-proclaimed king of the demon horde, had been waiting in the depths of darkness for this cosmic alignment. Awaiting for the time when his strength would be great enough to awaken the horde and, once again, invade the realm of man through the eclipse; a cosmic key that would allow him to breach the barrier between worlds. 

Moloch looked about him at the sea of demons, still as statues in suspended animation. Asleep to preserve their lifeforce as he replenished his power to open the portal once more and, at the same time, use that same accrued power to awaken his minions. This time, Moloch’s power was at the highest it had ever been; surpassing that of even Lucifer himself. For never before had humanity offered so many souls for him to devour. Especially over the past five decades. 

Who could have foreseen that humanity would not only revert back to the old ways, but become obsessively self-destructive? It took Moloch by surprise at the suddenness of power and the drastic increase from the initial surge: like the slow, steady drip from a faucet suddenly being opened up to allow a deluge. 

So it was fitting that the swath of darkness, from the moon blotting out the sun, would cut through the heart of America. A land which had provided him so much power and was a primary target for Moloch given its potential and the amount of onlookers who would be within the direct path of the eclipse. In one fell swoop he could quickly increase his army of demons and send them out to conquer the rest of the North American continent. 

Wherever the eclipse’s shadow would touch, the humans within them would fall prey to his demons. 

A smile appeared on Moloch’s bovine-like visage and red flames flickered in his eyes while wings stretched in anticipation as the moon drew closer to covering up the sun. 

Moloch would rise once more.


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Also made a corny design for shirts, mugs, and stickers based on today’s events.

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